Letter from the Director

Welcome to our Needs Assessment and Comprehensive Action Plan website for Recreation and Community Services. As the Director, I'm excited to start this process with our community to help enhance our parks, open spaces and recreational offerings systemwide.

This plan will be shaped by YOUR input. It's not just a developmental framework; it's our commitment to creating vibrant, accessible, and sustainable spaces for everyone.

Explore this website for information on our goals, timelines, and how you can be involved.

We have partnered with Next Practice Partners, who are national planning leaders that have done extensive work in California. Led by Neelay Bhatt, their team also includes RHA and ETC Institute to ensure every voice that wants to engage can do so through surveys, community discussions, and planning sessions.

Join us in building a legacy of dynamic, enriching parks and recreational experiences for Vista’s future

Thank You.

Mike PachecoRecreation and Community Services Director

About City of Vista

The City of Vista is a Charter Law city and was incorporated on January 28, 1963. Located just seven miles inland from the Pacific Ocean in northern San Diego County, the City of Vista has a perfect mild Mediterranean climate. Residents enjoy a wide range of year-round outdoor activities in the setting of gentle rolling hills and pleasant rural surroundings. Vista is approximately 19 square miles with a population of 100,291.


  • Tuesday

    Gloria McClellan Senior Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive)

    5:30 – 6:30 pm
    Brengle Terrace Park Improvements

    6:30 – 7:30 pm
    Paseo Buena Vista Site

  • Thursday

    Morris B. Vance Community Room Vista Civic Center, 200 Civic Center Drive)

    5:30 – 6:30 pm
    Breeze Hill Road (Courthouse) Site

    6:30 – 7:30 pm
    Matagual Drive Site

Online Survey

Share your input in English, here

Comparte tu aporte en español, aquí.

Your Ideas