About Vista

The City of Vista is a Charter Law city and was incorporated on January 28, 1963. Located just seven miles inland from the Pacific Ocean in northern San Diego County, the City of Vista has a perfect mild Mediterranean climate. Residents enjoy a wide range of year-round outdoor activities in the setting of gentle rolling hills and pleasant rural surroundings. Vista is approximately 19 square miles with a population of 100,291.


The City of Vista is dedicated to providing exceptional services, to improving Vista's quality of life, and to enhancing the uniqueness of the Vista community.

Recreation and Community Services Department

The City of Vista's Recreation & Community Services Department offers programs that build community, promote healthy lifestyles, and provide entertainment for a variety of audiences.

Led by Director, Mike Pacheco, they operate many of Vista's recreation, aquatic, and cultural arts venues including signature Brengle Terrace Park, Moonlight Amphitheater, Wave Waterpark etc. and hosts activities and special events for all ages.

Needs Assessment and Comprehensive Action Plan+
Site-specific Master Plans

What is a Needs Assessment
and Comprehensive Action Plan?

It is a journey to discover the community’s values and unmet needs and then developing a roadmap
and a shared vision for the future of parks, recreation and community services in Vista.

Which site-specific Master
Plans are also included
in this?

This project will also include site-specific Master Plans for Brengle Terrace Park, Breeze Hill Road Site, Matagual Drive Site and Paseo Buena Vista Site.

How does this affect me?

Did you know that spending time in parks and participating in recreation activities can improve you and your family's health? Research has consistently shown that even moderate exercise, a 30-min walk, and just time outdoors in nature boosts your physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being. From property values to economic impact and rebuilding a sense of community pride, parks and recreation provide a tremendous benefit to Vista.

How can I share my vision for the future?

The community engagement process offers a variety of ways to provide your input starting with the open-ended comment box on this digital engagement platform

Share your feedback through the statistically valid or online survey

Participate in community and neighborhood focus groups

Attend the community listening sessions

Who is responsible for this master plan?

The City of Vista staff is leading this work internally and are collaborating externally with Next Practice Partners

a national leader in inclusive and innovative planning, and Riverside-based RHA Landscape-Architects and Planners Inc.

What is the timeline for this project?

The site-specific Master Plans will be completed by December 2024 while the Needs Assessment and Comprehensive Action Plan is expected to be completed in early 2025.